disc.font,10 «» «»«ac» «c4»------------«» «c1»Multiletters«» «c4»------------«» «»«al» «c3»BY PUNISHER/DARKAGE^NAH-KOLOR«» «»«as» «c2»Multiletters. «c5»Either you like them or you hate them. Most swappers in the year 2001 tends to hate multiletters, because they are not «c2»"friendly" «c5»enough. In this article, I will give you my view on multiletters, and I hope that some of you reading this, will write an article with your opinions, so that we can get some discussions in different mags about this subject.«» «» For all of you that doesn't have any clue about what multiletters actually is, then I will give you a short explanation. When a swapper sends out a multiletter, to for example 50 people, all of them will receive «c2»the exactly same letter. «c5»In some cases, the swapper will only write a standard part which everybody receives, which means no personal notes. In other cases, personal notes are included to some or to all persons receiving the letter. The latter is most appreciated. I hope that the word multiletter now stands clear to you that is not involved in swapping.«» «» But «c2»why do people write multiletters? «c5»Is it because they don't bother to write long and personal letters to their friends or is it because they have a short amount of sparetime and don't want to delay? Two answers which have been the reality in many situations. My impression is that when a swapper writes a multiletter, he writes it «c2»because he is forced, «c5»not because he wants to. Writing multiletters takes much less time than writing ordinary letters, and when you owe 70 sendings to various people, this could be the best way of «c2»getting out of trouble. «c5»You avoid delays, and that is very, very important. However, there might be some people, I would not like to mention any names here, that writes multiletters because they don't bother writing long and personal ones. They do it because «c2»it is fast and efficent «c5»and it doesn't require much work.«» «» What «c2»swappers «c5»prefer is another question. Those people I swap with seem to prefer «c2»ordinary letters, «c5»as they are much more «c2»personal and friendly. I «c5»can agree with them about that. A few however, say that they enjoy multiletters because they can read what a swapper have written to his other contacts. «c2»Curiosity «c5»is the main keyword here I think, and also the fact that you could get lot's of letters for free! I will now put in some quotes from contacts, after I wrote them a multiletter. Check it out;«» «» «c6» Lahve/Mad Wizards+Reason:«» «» «c5»- I`ve got your multiletter and I don`t like this way of fast answers, of course I respect your time problems, but I prefer a little delay in this case than a fast answer with a few words which could be probably problematic answering in my side.«» «» «» «c6» Jackobe/Oxygen 64:«» «» «c5» - Multiletters aren't as bad as you think, if your letter exhasuts all the topics of your toughts, then it's all right.«» «» Here we have to different ideas and points of view regarding this type of letter. First we see Lahve who don't like it at all, while Jackobe is more of the positive kind. The rest of replies to the multiletter fits under either Lahve's answer or Jackobe's answer. The overweight was about 70% in Lahve's favour.«» «» So what is my opinion on the subject? «c2»I think multiletters are ok, «c5»but only if you really need to write them. In other terms, if other options are not possible doing. What I like is a friendly letter filled with joy and laughter, often so good to read, that I get tears in my eyes. On the swapping scene today, «c2»friendship is the keyword, «c5»and then, one must do whatever one can do to treat your friends well!«» «» «» «e»